
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Dinesh D’Souza’s statement that Obama is a “whites-hating President,” as stated in a book called “The Roots of Obama's Rage” and in a recent documentary is an ugly lie; an example of prurient journalism. In addition, he also says that by 2016, Obama would have irreparably damaged this country.

Ask me why I say this.

I knew the Senior Barack Obama. Both of us were foreign students in the US in the early sixties. He was studying in Hawaii and then doing a Masters in Harvard, and I was studying toward my Masters at Syracuse University. In my brief conversations with Obama Senior, I never saw him as a man leaning toward hatred of whites. He was very friendly, scholarly, with a tremendous sense of humor and a very deep bass-singer voice. However, there was nothing extraordinary about our meeting, we were both foreign students, sponsored for our high academic credentials or job experience and were on equal footing.

How D'Souza could say that Obama Senior was a “whites-hater,” or taught his son to hate whites, beats me. There was practically no interaction between the father and son. When Barack Senior was in the U.S., D’Souza was a toddler. Where did D'Souza get the idea that he was a “whites-hater”? By reading about race relations in Kenya before it received its independence in 1963, and the Mau Mau Rebellion and the first President Jomo Kenyatta?

In fact, Obama Senior and his closely-knit group of three friends (all of them of Luo tribe) relied very much on their white American and British friends. As he grew up Obama Junior was referred to as a “coconut”, brown on the outside and white in the inside. He grew up with a wonderful, intercultural, white mother who respected all religions and cultures.

When I was looking for a publisher for my book initially titled, “The Battles of Barack” three publishers said they would publish my book if I could say something negative or filthy about the President’s father or the mother. I didn't have any “dirt” on them and wasn't about to fabricate something in order to get it published. Instead, I stayed true to my convictions and published my book on my own terms.

By the way, TIME calls D'Souza's book and documentary, “a combination of skewed analysis and dire portents. In a statement, Obama's team said that the D'Souza documentary, 2016: Obama’s America, “is nothing more than an insidious attempt to dishonestly smear the President by giving intellectual cover to the worst in subterranean conspiracy theories and false, partisan attacks.”

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